Report Teachers
Remain Anonymous
Receive a Reward
Extremism in the classroom is a national crisis and we need help from people like you.
How It Works
Our process is simple, anonymous and will having lasting impact within your community.
File a Report
You submit an anonymous report to our site and you will receive a unique identification number.
Complaint Review
Your anonymous complaint is reviewed by our team and an action plan is put into place.
Action is Taken
We will work with the individual school and/or school district to file a formal complaint.
Reward Decision
The reward committee will review the complaint and may approve a reward amount.
File a Report
You submit an anonymous report to our site and you will receive a unique identification number.
Complaint Review
Your anonymous complaint is reviewed by our team and an action plan is put into place.
Action is Taken
We will work with the individual school and/or school district to file a formal complaint.
Reward Decision
The reward committee will review the complaint and may approve a reward amount.
Anonymous tips do make a difference
File a ReportSigns of Extremism
Signs of extremism may appear in many forms within your child's classroom and it is important to remain vigilant. We have included visual examples of the following categories within the images at the start of the page.
Social Justice
These will appear in many forms such as social justice propaganda, LGBTQ displays, pronouns, feminism, etc.
Political displays such as candidate endorsements, signs, circulars, political posters, etc.
These may be in forms of black or white power symbols, posters, white nationalist displays, etc.